
Showing posts from 2017

The hyperloop has a new world speed record: 240 mph

For those of you holding out hope for one more high-speed test of the hyperloop before the end of the year, you’re in luck. On December 15th, Virgin Hyperloop One conducted the third demonstration of its not-to-scale system in the desert outside of Las Vegas, sending its magnetically levitating pod through a nearly airless tube at 240 mph (387 km/h).   Click Here

NASA solves how a Jupiter jet stream shifts into reverse

Interstellar object may hold 'alien' water Discovered on 19 October , the object's speed and trajectory strongly suggested it originated beyond our Solar System. The body showed no signs of "outgassing" as it approached the Sun, strengthening the idea that it held little if any water-ice. But the latest findings suggest water might be trapped under a thick, carbon-rich coating on its surface.